We hope you all have had a fantastic festive season and are all keen to try out the new kit you received for Christmas!
With regards to Snake Lake and Copse meadow Lake you are now able to fish until the beginning of the summer on a day ticket basis as we have had a small set back with other tasks.
we look forward to receiving lots of pictures from you all to update our gallery and see how the fish have matured.
I AM CALLING NOW FOR THE 2016 MATCH BOOKINGS - PLEASE CAN CLUBS SEND ME AN EMAIL TO info@newdigatefarms.co.uk WITH THE REQUIRED DATES AND I WILL DO MY BEST TO ACCOMMODATE ALL BOOKINGS. Most of the matches in 2016 will take place at Stammerham Farm ONLY, this means Jenny's Lake, Clover Lake and Canal lake.
I look forward to hearing from you all.
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